Community Studies / General Demographics / National Origin and Immigration
Report 61 | November 2014
Have Dominicans Surpassed Puerto Ricans to Become New York City’s Largest Latino Nationality? An Analysis of Latino Population Data from the 2013 American Community Survey for New York City and the Metropolitan Area
Demographics / Dominicans / Nationality / Latinos / New York Metro Area
Community Studies
Report 60 | November 2014
Demographic, Economic and Social Transformations in the Colombian-Origin Population of the New York City Metropolitan Area, 1990 – 2010
Colombians / Demographics / Nationality / Latinos / New York Metro Area
Report 59 | October 2014
The Concentration of Household Income in the United States by Race/Ethnicity and Latino Nationalities, 1990 – 2010
Demographics / Household Income / Income / Latinos / Wealth Inequality
Income / Women
Report 58 | October 2014
The ‘Mommy Tax’ and ‘Daddy Bonus’: Parenthood and Personal Income in the United States Between 1990 and 2010
Demographics / Gender Inequality / Income / Latinos / Parenthood
Income / Women
Report 57 | May 2014
The ‘Mommy Tax’ and ‘Daddy Bonus’: Parenthood and Income in New York City 1990 – 2010
General Demographics / Income / Women
Report 56 | January 2014
The Concentration of Wealth in New York City: Changes in the Structure of Household Income by Race/Ethnic Groups and Latino Nationalities 1990 – 2010
This study examines the concentration of wealth in New York City between 1990 and 2010 using data on household income from the U.S. Census Bureau […]
Demographics / Income Structure / Latinos / New York Metro Area / Wealth Inequality