“State of Exception?”: Protest, Politics and the Future of Peru
Join the CLACLS for a panel discussion with José L. Rénique, Mark Rice, Renzo Aroni, and Myriam Nacimento about the current political crisis in Peru. This event is free and open to the publicRSVP here Livestreaming available through our Facebook page: CLACLSGC Participants: José Luis Rénique, Professor, Lehman College/CUNY (1990-2022) Mark Rice, Associate Professor, Baruch…
Book Talk: “Operation Pedro Pan: Childhood in the US-Cuban Cold War”
Operation Pedro Pan was the extraordinary undertaking by the Miami Catholic Diocese, federal and state offices, child welfare agencies, and anti-Castro Cubans to bring more than fourteen thousand unaccompanied children to the United States during the Cold War. Officially called the Unaccompanied Cuban Children’s Program, children without immediate family support in the United States—some 8,300…
AfroLatin@s Now Conversaciones: Migrations & Black Erasure
Join us for a celebration of three recently released books that all talk about AfroLatinidad and Migrations. We will have a conversation with Dr. Kaysha Corinealdi author or “Panama in Black,” Dr. Milagros Denis-Rosario author of “Drops of Inclusivity” and Dr. Marisel Moreno, the author of “Crossing Waters,” hosted by Manuel Mendez, President of the…
Announcing The New Certificate Program in Latino Studies at Lehman College
The Certificate Program in Latino Studies is a fully online trilingual certificate open to Lehman students and the general public. There are no prerequisites for this program, and courses will be held in English, Spanish, and Portuguese, allowing people with language and nationality barriers to apply, attend online courses, and complete the credits necessary for…
The Proportion Of New Latino Immigrants To New York City Decreased After 2017
NEW YORK, December 9, 2022—A new report published today by the Center for Latin American, Caribbean and Latino Studies (CLACLS) at The Graduate Center of The City University of New York (CUNY) shows that, although having increased smoothly during the first half of the decade, the proportion of new Latino immigrants in the city experienced…