Daniella Diaz
CNN Politics
Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton are in a dead heat to win the Nevada caucuses, and both campaigns have launched last-minute efforts to win over voters — including Latino voters.
In the latest CNN/ORC poll for Nevada, 48% of likely caucus attendees say they support Clinton, while 47% say they support Sanders, within the poll’s margin of error.
But how does the Nevada Latino vote really stack up in the state?
According to report by CNN en Español and CUNY’s Center for Latin American, Caribbean & Latino Studies, the Latino electorate has increased from 45,506 eligible Latino voters in the state in 1990 to 332,268 voters in 2014 — increasing by more than seven times in 24 years.
Almost 30% of the Nevada population identifies as Latino, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.
The report shows that in 2012, President Barack Obama won Nevada’s six electoral votes by 6.7%, and researchers link this to his appeal to Latinos. Exit polls show that 71% of Latino who cast ballots voted to re-elect the president, comprising of 15% of all ballots cast.
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