CUNY is one of 21 members of the Alliance of Hispanic Serving Research Universities (HSRU)a national consortium that includes all the R1 (doctoral, research-intensive) universities in the U.S. that are also Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs). Through a generous grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation the Alliance is once again calling for proposals for the 2023 Crossing Latinidades Summer Institute in Latino Humanities Studies Methodologies and Theories, and the 2023-2024 Predoctoral Fellowship Program.
Pre-candidacy CUNY doctoral students are invited to apply by January 30, 2023, for the in-person two-week Summer Institute which will be held at the University of Illinois at Chicago from June 17 through June 25, 2023. Through lectures, seminars, workshops, and presentations, the Summer Institute brings together 2nd- and 3rd-year doctoral students with the aim of expanding students’ views of the Latino humanities studies field and ready them for intellectual innovation and strengthens their skills for faculty positions.
CUNY can select and nominate up to three students to participate in the 2023 summer institute and 2023-2024 predoctoral fellowship. Lodging and some meals will be provided, and participants will receive a $3,000 stipend to cover all travel, a few meals not offered by the institute, and other minor expenses incurred while attending. Housing is provided on the UIC campus.
Summer Institute participants may also participate in the 2023-24 predoctoral research fellowship during the fall and spring semesters that includes a $30,000 stipend, tuition and fee waiver, and health insurance at the home institution. This is an extra year of funding to any existing assistantship or fellowship funding commitment from CUNY. Students who are selected for the predoctoral research fellowships will be assigned to a collaborative Latino Humanities Studies research working group composed of faculty from a minimum of three universities in the HSRU consortium.
To be eligible for consideration for this opportunity, you must be:
- A CUNY student enrolled in a Ph.D. program in the humanities or humanistic social sciences
- In your second or third year of doctoral study, having nearly completed or completed your coursework and not yet advanced to doctoral candidacy
- Be considering dissertation research in humanistic Latino studies
- Planning to enroll in your CUNY home institution during the 2023-2024 academic year
- Considering a career in academia after completing your Ph.D.
- Willing to be in-residence during the two-week Summer Institute at the University of Illinois at Chicago
- Willing to participate in all sessions of a professionalization and mentorship program during the fall 2023 and spring 2024 semesters
CUNY Application deadline: January 30, 2023
Your application must include the following components.
1. Complete the Cover Sheet and Eligibility questionnaire.
2. A CV/resume, no more than two pages in length.
3. A narrative statement, 1000 words maximum, explaining your research interests, possible dissertation topic, professional goals, and how the Summer Institute and how the mentorship program will benefit you at this stage of your studies
Combine all three of these documents, in order, into a single PDF document for electronic submission to the CLACLS email: clacls@gc.cuny.edu with subject line: “Crossing Latinidades Summer Institute Application – Student Name.”
4. Arrange for two confidential letters of recommendation to be submitted to the CLACLS application email: clacls@gc.cuny.edu by January 30. Please advise your letter writers to include “Confidential Letter of Recommendation – Student Name” in the subject line when submitting your letters.
Submitted applications will be screened for eligibility and reviewed by the Crossing Latinidades CUNY steering committee, who will pick the top three applications for submittal to the Crossing Latinidades Initiative advisory committee for final review. This body will notify the two selected CUNY students.
Interested students who have any questions should contact Professor Mila Burns, associate director of CLACLS and a member of the Crossing Latinidades Initiative advisory committee at mila.burns@lehman.cuny.edu.
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