CNN Voto Latino 2024 – How Will Latino Voting Trends Impact the Election?
HYBRID EVENT (ELEBASH RECITAL HALL) | OCTOBER 9, 2024 Featuring a special performance from the upcoming Broadway musical, Buena Vista Social Club. What are the truths and misconceptions about the Latino vote? The Center for Latin American and Latino Studies estimates there will be over 35 million eligible Latino voters in 2024 and over 18 million…
Baja deserción escolar de latinos, pero siguen rezagados en logros académicos
La deserción escolar entre hispanos disminuyó significativamente entre 1990 y 2017, pero esta minoría sigue rezagada con respecto a los estudiantes blancos, afroamericanos y asiáticos, según un estudio divulgado este viernes por la Universidad de la Ciudad de Nueva York (CUNY). La proporción de latinos blancos que no completaron sus estudios en la escuela secundaria…
Book Launch: Dona Ivone Lara’s Sorriso Negro by Mila Burns
More than simply a paragon of Brazilian samba, Dona (Lady) Ivone Lara’s 1981 Sorriso Negro (translated to Black Smile) is an album deeply embedded in the political and social tensions of its time. Released less than two years after the Brazilian military dictatorship approved the Lei de Anistia (the “Opening” that put Brazil on a…
César J. Ayala y Laird W. Bergad ganan el Premio Manuel Moreno Fraginals de la AHEC
El pasado 2 de noviembre, el jurado del Premio Manuel Moreno Fraginals, convocado por la Asociación de Historia Económica del Caribe (AHEC) y compuesto por Herbert S. Klein, Carlos Marichal, Guy Pierre, Frank Moya Pons y José Antonio Piqueras otorgó esta distinción en su edición de 2021 a la obra Agrarian Puerto Rico. Reconsidering Rural Economy…
Over half of eligible Latinos voted in 2020—a historic first
About 1 in 10 voters in last year’s election were Latino, with “extraordinary” registration and turnout among younger and U.S.-born Hispanics. By Suzanne Gamboa Even without the kind of spending on Latino turnout that some had hoped to see, they registered and voted in record numbers in the 2020 presidential election, according to a City University…