Day: May 20, 2020

  • La cobertura de salud aumenta para los latinos, pero no lo suficiente

    Según un nuevo informe publicado por el Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos, del Caribe y Latinos del Graduate Center, CUNY, en términos generales, la tasa de personas sin seguro médico disminuyó entre 2009 y 2015.  Lo más significativo “es que el Affordable Care Act [ACA, por sus siglas en inglés] elevó el porcentaje de estadounidenses con…


  • Is Speaking Spanish Enough to Win Over Latino Voters?

    The first LDP release of 2020 analyzes the trends in healthcare coverage in the New York Metropolitan Area and the United States between 2009 and 2015. The main result? There has been a decrease in the uninsured population in both areas of study, including among those living above and below the poverty threshold. The trends…


  • Gentrification in Upper Manhattan?

    The Latino community of Washington Heights/Inwood is not being displaced in any meaningful way. While there has certainly been an increase in the number of wealthy non-Hispanic whites over the last decade, as of 2015 Latinos maintained the same proportion of the neighborhood’s total population as they did in 1990. Read the full report here…


  • U.S. Income Inequality Through a Racial/Ethnic Lens

    “It is now apparent,” says Laird Bergad, “that income distribution has already returned to the pre-Great Depression era pattern of extreme concentration.”  That’s not big news—income inequality is a well-known story. What hasn’t been examined closely is how the nationwide pattern of the rich getting richer and the poor staying poor looks when analyzed through…


  • Los latinos ricos mejoraron sus ingresos pero los más pobres no

    De acuerdo con un reciente estudio de Laird Bergad, director del Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos, del Caribe y latinos del Graduate Center, CUNY, “es evidente que la distribución del ingreso ya ha vuelto al patrón de concentración extrema de la era anterior a la gran depresión”.  El más reciente informe publicado por el CLACLS-Latino Data…
